Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The User

The User

The businessman- 

Uses smartphone to perform tasks such as:

1.) Calling/ testing to arrange meetings 
2.) Send/ receive emails
3.) Monitor stock market
4.) Access files from his office whilst on the fly
5.) Share information 
6.) Download reports on the fly
7.) Uses GPS to drive to meetings etc 
8.) Calculator
9.) Camera, if he see's something inspirational that sparks a good business idea he can photograph it and show his boss
10.) To look like he means business
11.) Managing/ listening to music
12.) Mobile Banking
13.) Writing notes
14.) Organizer, calender
15.) Weather updates 

The Teenager-

Uses smartphone to perform tasks such as

1.) Calling/ texting friends and family
2.) Taking selfies (A task in which you hold camera up to mirror and take a photo of yourself)
3.) Playing games (such as temple run, candy crush, doodle jump, 4 pics one word)
4.) Social networking (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Vine, Snapchat) 
5.) Watching videos on vine/ youtube
6.) Listening and managing music
7.) GPS every now and then 

Young Adults (i.e university students)

Uses smartphone to perform tasks such as

1.) Calling/ Texting family and friends
2.) Social networking (instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc)
3.) Organize meet ups with their friends to discuss projects
4.) Music
5.) Media
6.) Take pictures of inspiration
7.) Instagramming
8.) Documenting uni projects
9.) Blogging
10.) Arranging coffee dates
11.) Using smarphone as Organizer
12.) Writing notes
13.) Weather updates
14.) Asking Siri stupid questions

Elderly people

1.) Calling/ Texting
2.) taking photos of their grandchildren
3.) Listening to classical beats
4.) Using it as a paper-weight
5.) Weather updates
6.) Looking up with the times


1.) Interactive learning
2.) Playing games
3.) Pretending to call/ text people
4.) Taking pictures
5.) Drawing on


The stay at home mum

1.) Calling/ Texting friends and family
2.) Taking Pictures
3.) Social networking (Facebook)
4.) Weather updates
5.) Using apps, such as cooking apps? for recipes?
6.) Bill payments
7.) Online shopping (Grocery shopping)
8.) Online banking
9.) Music
10.) Interactive apps to keep children busy

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